the world should be logical. but it isn't. here is the logic that the hippies are to PC to consent to.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


John seems to think we need to have a conversation about the plight of single men in our society vis-a-vi single women, or gay men, or like people that fuck animals; Yes all those groups enjoy greater sexual freedom. so while i was stoned i decided to start thinking about it. here is what i sent join via AIM

in terms of reproduction the marginal product of man is way low compared to that of a woman
man was like prefucked by evolution even before society
were super lucky we live in a patriarchical society
from an evolutionary biology standpoint its just as likely if not more likely that the opposite could have occured
sometimes i think man is more complex than nature though
thats why the outcomes are so wierd
i should post this

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